Scaffolded DNA origami is a recently emerging technology that allows the construction of complex nanostructures via molecular self-assembly driven by Watson and Crick base-pairing, i.e. A-T, C-G. In the past decade, this approach has been successfully used to construct complex 2D or 3D static structures. This research expanded scaffolded DNA origami nanotechnology to design dynamic nanomechanisms by following a design framework that parallels macroscopic compliant mechanism design. For the application, a DNA nanostructure, named DNA nanoswitch, has been efficaciously used to detect microRNA, Zika and Dengue virus RNA, and to purify special RNA strands from biological samples. In addition, mechanical properties of DNA origami nanostructures can be quantified by a single molecule device called centrifuge force microscope (CFM). In the near future, a general drug delivery platform will be developed based on the comprehensive understanding of physical, chemical and biological properties of DNA origami nanostructures.
DNA 折纸技术利用DNA 分子链的碱基配对原理(A-T 和 G-C) 实现多个较短DNA 分子链将一个较长的DNA分子链自动折叠成复杂的纳米结构。在过去的十年里,DNA 折纸技术被广泛的应于构建复杂的二维与三维纳米结构。在这项研究中,通过结合传统的机械设计原理 (包括刚性和柔性机构), DNA 折纸这项技术被成功用来设计一些动态纳米机械机构。对于DNA 纳米技术的应用,将会以DNA 纳米开关(DNA nanoswitch) 为例做一个简单介绍。DNA 纳米开关可以用来检测微小核糖核酸(microRNA),塞卡(Zika)病毒 RNA和 登革热(Dengue)病毒RNA, 以及用来从生物样品中提纯一些特殊的RNA分子链。 另外,DNA 折纸纳米结构的机械特性可以通过最近开发的单分子离心力显微镜来测量。在未来的应用中,一个通用的基于DNA 折纸技术的靶向载药平台会被建立起来。

Lifeng Zhou obtained his PhD degree of mechanical engineering from The Ohio State University in 2017. Currently, he is a postdoc research associate in the RNA institute of the New York State University at Albany. During his PhD study, he focused on the design and analysis of nanoscale machines fabricated by DNA origami nanotechnology. Then, in his new position, based on DNA nanotechnology, he is developing useful methods for clinic applications, such as detection of virus RNA and general drug delivery platform. In addition, he is interested in single-molecule analysis of DNA nanostructures by using lately developed centrifuge force microscopy. His research has been published on Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, Mechanism and Machine Theory, ACS nano and Nano Letter.