

/ Study in BUPT

Electrohysterography as tool for better medical decision making in obstetrics

主讲人 :Yiyao Ye Lin,Polytechnic University of Valencia,Department of electronic engineering 地点 :教三718会议室 开始时间 : 2019-07-08 10:30 结束时间 : 2019-07-08 11:30

Abstract: This seminar attempt to give an introduction to the preterm labor which is the  main problem that the clinician face daily and the lack of sensibility of the current techniques in its detection. In this respect, Electrohysterography has emerged as an alternative non-invasive technique for monitoring uterine dynamic and therefore could potentially used for predicting preterm labor. The electrophysiological changes of uterine myoelectric activity throughout pregnancy will be described and I will present the main problem to develop the preterm labor prediction system.

Short Bibliography:

Yiyao Ye Lin (Female) is full professor in the University Polytechnic of Valencia (UPV) and is member of the Centre for Research and Innovation in Bioengineering (Ci2B) of the UPV. She has an ample experience (more than 15 years) in biomedical instrumentation, sensors, wireless sensor network, biomedical signal processing and development of diagnostic aid systems. She has collaborated in more than 15 research projects (national and regional level), with medical partners and companies as General Electric Healthcare, Bial, Zhejiang Walt Technology CO. LTD, among others. She has published 26 papers on peer-reviewed international JCR journals and 2 book chapters.  She is reviewer of multiple international JCR journals, such as biosensors, artificial intelligence in medicine.

